Hi there! It’s me, “Baby Boy”. At least that’s my name until my parents choose a name for me. They haven’t quite made a decision yet. Apparently it is a big decision that will last a life time, so they want to be sure to choose the right name. I’m sure they’ll do a good job. But I think there are a lot of people waiting to know my name, including myself. I guess we’ll all find out sooner or later. For now, I’ll just be “Baby Boy”!
I’m still trying to work out the names of everyone else as well. As far as I know, this lady who is holding me is “Mommy”. She gave me a home for 9 months and made sure that I was fed and could grow well. Maybe she did to good of a job, because I ended up being quite a big boy.
I hear that there is a “Daddy” around somewhere, but I haven’t met him yet. Did you know that there is a worldwide pandemic going on, causing all kinds of restrictions? Well, I just found out about it. Because of the pandemic and safety rules, Daddy was not allowed to be here for my grand debut. Poor Mommy had to do it all on her own. But not to worry, she wasn’t completely alone, because I was there too! I’ll tell you about it later on.
For now, I just wanted to introduce myself, which is a bit hard without a name (*hint, hint, Mommy and Daddy*). And I also wanted to introduce you to my blog. I’ll be keeping you up to date on my me and my life! I don’t expect a lot of followers or to be an influencer, but I’m going for quality, not quantity. So, for those of you visiting this blog, thank you, and I look forward to sharing my life with you!