Day 1

Day 1

Man, this being a baby thing is not easy. There is so much to do in a day. I have to eat, pee, poo, and sleep. Oh, and I have to cry too. I just have to! It doesn’t sound like much, but it really adds up when you mix up the order and frequency. It is strange to me that the number of times I pee and poo does not match the number of times I eat. Weird.

Speaking of eating, I’m very good at it. I hear that some babies have a hard time breast-feeding and/or drinking from a bottle. I mastered both right away. Once I heard that that was how I was going to get food, I figured out how to do it right. I am a very good eater (and also a good pee-r and poo-er.). If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.

Same goes for crying. Boy, do I have a pair of powerful lungs. I think the entire wing of the hospital can hear me. I’ve never been able to use my lungs before so I’m just testing them out.

Whew! I’m exhausted. Time to get some rest.