I had my first car ride today. I can’t say that I’m a big fan of cars, or more like I can’t say that I’m a big fan of being strapped into a car. I like my freedom and don’t usually enjoy being restricted. I was not really happy and I cried a little bit, but I didn’t wail uncontrollably or anything, so that’s saying something.
Once the car got moving I calmed down and just enjoyed the ride. But then there were all these stops. I did not like those. I don’t know why everyone didn’t just get out of our way so that we could have a smooth non-stop ride home. Isn’t that how the world works? Doesn’t it revolve around me?
Oh…Daddy just told me it doesn’t. Bummer.
Oh! He also just told me that our family DOES revolve around me and that he and Mommy are going to do everything they can to give me the happiest life possible. Nice!