Oh, do you know what today is? It is my half-sister Katie’s birthday! She is 15 years old today! I haven’t been able to meet her yet, but I really want to see her as soon as possible. I’m sure she has a lot of things to teach me. Like what the first 15 years of life are like.
This is what she looked like when she was 9-days old and this is me
Katie 9 days old Me 9 days old
I asked Daddy about Katie and it seems like she was born at 3316 grams. I was 3926 grams. 3926 – 3316 = 610 grams. So that means that I was 1 pound and 5.5 ounces heavier than her at birth. Wow! It is almost as if I was born as a 1-month-old baby.
I’m following in my big sisters footsteps with this blog. She had her own blog too! You should check it out.