Daddy’s Home

I’m so happy to have Daddy home! Why does he have to go to work anyway? Wouldn’t he rather stay home with me and Mommy? Wait, let me go ask him:

Mason: Daddy, why do you have to go to work anyway?  Wouldn’t you rather stay home with me and Mommy?

Daddy: Of course I would rather stay home with you and Mommy.  But I have to go to work to earn money.

M: Why?

D: We need money to pay for things.  Without money we wouldn’t have a place to live or food to eat.

M: So grownups have to work to get things that they need and want?

D: Yes, that’s right, son.

M: …

D: Mason, do you understand why grownups have to work?

M: No, not really.  Why don’t grownups just cry and fuss until they get what they want?  That’s what I do.

D: Believe me son, some grownups do that as well.

M: I see.