Rough night

Today has been one of those days. It all started last night. For some reason, I just couldn’t get to sleep. Well, actually, I could get to sleep, but I couldn’t stay asleep. I wouldn’t let Mommy or Daddy put me down. I would barely let them sit down while carrying me.

Daddy had the first shift and was practically carrying, rocking, and singing to me the whole time until my next feeding. For the most part, even when I have a hard time sleeping, I would sleep peacefully as long as I was in Daddy’s arms. He would rock me to sleep, try to put me down a few times, and if it was not going to happen, he would sit on the couch, swaying and rocking to keep me asleep. This time I made him stand the whole time. Even then I would cry, twist, and fuss. Daddy finally handed me off to Mommy when it was feeding time and I started to try to suck on his arms.

Even Mommy had a hard time getting me to sleep. I usually sleep right after feeding, especially when I get my supplementary bottle of formula, which I have recently only been getting at night. But this time I could not be put down. I at least let Mommy sit down on the couch with me on her chest, and I managed to sleep a little, but I woke up a lot.

Even though it was Mommy’s shift, Daddy emerged from the bedroom, worried about the two of us. He joined us on the couch. We all had short bursts of sleep, but none of us had long stretches of deep peaceful sleep.

I woke up around 5 a.m. for my next feeding and thoroughly drained the energy from Mommy. Daddy took his shift and let Mommy sleep on the couch. I was not crying as much anymore, but I still had a hard time going to sleep. Before we knew it, it was time for Daddy to go to work. He left for work barely having 2 hours of sleep. He has a changing work schedule and it just so happened that this was his third 12-hour work day in a row. Sorry, Daddy. Good luck.

It was a rough night.