Nighttime nursing routine

Some nights are like clockwork. I go to sleep and then I wake up 3 hours later hungry and ready to be nursed. Some nights are very peaceful and I sleep for 4 or nearly 5 hours before I wake up. Other nights I don’t ever fully go to sleep.

No matter what kind of night it is, naturally, Mommy has to wake up to nurse me. She she rarely ever sleeps more than a couple of hours at a time. She has Daddy there to help with the bottle preparing, burping, and rocking back to sleep, but she still has to do the bulk of the work. I feel sorry for her, but I just can’t help the fact that my tiny tummy can only hold 3 hours worth of food.

Mommy is often worried about Daddy getting his sleep, especially when he has work the next day, so she doesn’t wake him up to help. She tries to let him sleep, but he wakes up sometimes when he hears me. Let me be clear, I’m not a sudden full-volume crier. I don’t just wake up screaming my head off for milk. I kind of whimper and Mommy wakes up with that. So sometimes Daddy doesn’t notice that we are up. However, there are times when it is not a nursing cry, but an “I need to be held” cry and he wakes up before Mommy to rock me back to sleep.

Daddy tries to do what he can.

Even if he can’t breast feed, he wakes up and stays up with Mommy for support or just to be available to be tagged in. I think that’s what makes Mommy and Daddy a strong team. Sometimes they play man-to-man with one of them up with me while the other sleeps, and sometimes the play zone defense, with both of them up, each manning their strongest position.

Nobody gets a full nights sleep around here, but we are all fine with it. We’re in this together and we are making do with the little sleep we get.