I loved to be carried! If didn’t worry about Mommy and Daddy’s arms getting worn out, I would demand to be carried all the time. Okay, if I’m honest, there are days where I do demand to be carried all the time.
I like it when Daddy cradles me in his arms. His forearm fits right under me so my head rests on the meaty part in the nook of his elbow and he can hold on to my leg with his hand. His other hand pats my back to get me to relax or to sleep.
I like it when Mommy holds me up against her chest. I’m too big for her to comfortably hold me sideways, so she holds me vertically, which I just love. I can rest my head on her chest and hear her heartbeat. That heartbeat was the the rhythm of my daily life for 9-months and it still soothes and calms me.
Even though we have positions that work for us, that doesn’t mean that we can’t try out new ones.