Mood Swings

It’s tough being a baby. There is so much going on in life, but I have so little control over anything. I can’t even control myself. My bodies has a mind of its own. I can’t control my hands or feet very well. I can’t even control my bodily functions.

And then there is my mood swings. There is nothing I can do to control how I feel or how I react to things. My mood swings are quite severe. I can be calm and peaceful and then all of a sudden I’m crying and fussing and I don’t know why. Then all of a sudden I’m back to peaceful and calm again. I don’t get it and I don’t like it. I feel bad for Mommy and Daddy because they have to try and deal with my mood swings. They are very understanding and know that I’m not doing it on purpose. I’m just a baby and doing my best.