
Mommy and Daddy noticed that I have recently been making a lot of grunting noises and have been flailing my arms and legs a lot after being fed. I also have a slightly uncomfortable face of concentration. At first they thought I was uncomfortable because I needed to burp. (I am not good at burping and usually don’t burp right after feeding. I often call out an hour later to be picked up and then I burp.) It turns out, all this grunting and movement has nothing to do with burping. Mommy read that this is how babies digest their food. Our systems are so young that we haven’t quite mastered digesting food, even if it is only breast milk. In my case, I am such a good eater that I think I drink a little too much breast milk and have to consciously add more effort to my digestion. I must be doing something right because looking at my growth and weight gain, I am squeezing every ounce of nutrition out of Mommy’s breast milk.