Small / Big

If I can look tiny in Mommy’s arms, you should see me in Daddy’s, especially when I’m in my baby carrier.

But I’m not tiny. I’m big. I’m objectively big. There was a nursing room in the shopping mall we went to today and in that nursing room was a baby scale. So we weighed me. The result: 6 kg (13.27 lbs).

Oh my god! I weigh how much?

At just over 6 weeks old, that makes me a very big baby. Why so big? Well, there’s genetics. Daddy was a big baby, too. But I am also a very good eater. Mommy weighed me just before she nursed me and then right after I ate. I was 150 g (1/3 pound) heavier. That’s some good eating. And I eat about 8 – 10 times a day. That of course leads to some healthy weight gain. So even though I may look small at times, make no mistake, I’m a big baby!