Drained Mommy

Poor Mommy. Not only is it tough to raise a newborn baby, but I am literally sucking the energy out of her. I don’t know how she does it. There is only one explanation: she is a SuperMommy! It is amazing. She hasn’t been able to sleep more than 3 hours at a time for 6 weeks. She’s feeding me 8 to 10 times a day. And she carries me, changes my diapers, cares for me, and does housework. Daddy does as much of those tasks as possible, but sometimes Mommy beats him to it, feeling obligated to do everything possible to make a good home for me. When he is home from work, Daddy tries to urge Mommy to take time for herself, and suggests he goes shopping or to a cafe to unwind in a baby-free environment. She takes him up on his offer sometimes, but for the most part prefers to stay home with me. I love that she wants to spend time with me, but worry that she is stretching herself thin. I appreciate the effort but I think she needs to get more rest. Poor drained Mommy.