Oh my god! I can’t believe it! This can’t be true. It must be a mistake. I gained weight again! I am now 6120 g (13.5 lbs)!

No!!! This can’t be right!
I went from 6000 g to 6120 g in four days. That is a 2% weight gain. Sure, 120 g weight gain may not sound like much, but 2% is huge! That is a 2 pound increase if you way 100 pounds or 3 pounds if you way 150 lbs, and this is in 4 days! That’t it. I’m cutting back on how much I eat.
20 minutes later…

So, I gained 150 g in 20 minutes from one feeding. That’s another 2.45% weight increase. Meh. What can you do? I’m going to take a nap.