Today I went to the beach for the first time ever! We were waiting for the right time for my first visit. We couldn’t go in the middle of the summer because the temperatures can reach 36°C (96.8°F) and that would be way to hot for me to enjoy it. Also, the beach is a bit of a drive away and we wanted to wait until I could go about 4 hours between feedings. So this was just about the right time.
The temperature was a comfortable 27°C (80.6°F), but it was still pretty bright. I think I need a pair of sunglasses like Mommy and Daddy.
Since it was off-season, there weren’t too many people there, but there were more families than we expected. Naturally, I would have preferred my first beach visit to be in Hawaii, possibly the same beach as Daddy. But that wasn’t possible because of the travel restrictions. We still had a nice time listening to the waves, basking in the sun, and just relaxing outdoors.
I liked the beach…I was not a fan of the ocean. Apparently this is some kind of rite of passage that babies go through and parents enjoy a little too much. I didn’t like the ocean, but I survived it.
I recovered from my traumatic experience fairly quickly.