You know that I’ve been working on crawling for a long time. It has been a very frustrating journey. But all my hard work has finally paid off. I crawled (forward) for the first time today. It wasn’t a proper crawl up on my hands and knees, but an army crawl, shuffling around on my belly while pushing with my legs and pulling with my arms.
The funny thing was that I was able to crawl because I wanted to get to my new favorite toy: Daddy’s old Starbuck’s cup. Remember I was eyeing it a few days back? Well, Daddy brought it home and washed it up and gave it to me. It has been my favorite thing to play with since then. And today it became my motivation for crawling. I was playing with it and it got away from me and then rolled under the table. Before I knew it, I was crawling after it.
Once I did it, I was able to crawl again and again. The first time was the hardest, but after that it was pretty easy.