First picnic

The weather today was surprisingly warm for December, so we decided to go for a picnic. I was too young to enjoy a picnic when I was younger, but now that I can sit up on my own, we figured it was a good time to go.

We found a nice spot in the park and laid out a blanket and had lunch. Actually, I already ate, so I had a snack while Mommy and Daddy ate lunch. And of course they took a lot of pictures.

I was doing very well sitting up on my own, until I fell over.

I had my first experience with grass. I was quite curious. It was very different than any other floor that I’ve been on. I tried to taste some of it, but was stopped promptly.

I rolled over on my tummy and Mommy and Daddy thought that I was just relaxing and enjoying nature. Then the saw the expression on my face and caught a whiff downwind of me and found out I was being called by nature.

Just to be clear, I pooped during our picnic. Ah, the great outdoors!’

If you’re interested, here are a couple of long-ish videos of our picnic, just so you can see what a good boy I was.