It is Christmas day! I am so happy! There has been all this hype about this day for over a month and I got really excited! It is my first Christmas!
We were hoping to be able to spend my first Christmas in Hawaii with Grandma and Grandpa, but the strict travel restrictions due to the pandemic made that impossible. It is too bad, but we want everyone to be safe and healthy, so we are willing to do our part to bring this pandemic to an end.
We spent my first Christmas in Japan. Baaba (grandma) and Obachan (aunt) came over to our place to celebrate with us. It was really nice and I enjoy their visits. Then we had a surprise visitor. Well, I was surprised. Everyone seemed to know that he was coming. Yep, that guy. The jolly man in red. The list maker. The bearded bringer of gifts. Santa.
I heard about him and was prepared for him. I was excited about the gifts he was bringing. I thought he was supposed to sneak in and leave my gift under the tree when I was sleeping. I mean, even the Amazon delivery people just drop gifts off. But it seems like he knew it was my first Christmas and wanted to make a hand delivery. To be honest, I could have done without it. Nothing could have prepared me for a visit from Santa. I was shocked. When he entered the room I just froze there, staring at him for a moment, my toy dropping from my hand, before I rushed over to Mommy for safety. For some reason Daddy wasn’t there. Just when I needed him the most! Well, you can guess what happened next. Actually, you don’t have to guess. Check out the videos!
I was traumatized! And the worst thing was that everyone else seemed to be enjoying the situation. This will be my first and last Santa visit if I have anything to say about it. What about this season is “jolly”? Look at my face? Nothing jolly there.

Well, even though it wasn’t a happy experience, I should say thank you to Santa Claus. After all, he took time out of his busy schedule to hand deliver my present to me. I really appreciate it. Thank you Santa!
But next time you don’t have to trouble yourself. Feel free to leave the gift under the tree. We don’t need another scene like this: