Happy Easter everyone! We had great weather for our easter egg hunt today. We brought our own eggs from home and made sure I knew that there were treats inside them for me. Then the Easter Bunny hid them so that I could have my easter egg hung. The easter bunny kept the level pretty easy since this was my first easter.

I found all the eggs! Well, I saw all the eggs but I made no effort to get to them, even though they had treats inside. I was content to just look at them. In the end Mommy and Daddy helped me collect the eggs. Then I could play with them and have the treats inside.

It was a fun easter egg hunt and I did enjoy the little treats inside, but I can’t wait until I’m older. Not only will I actually be able to hunt for the eggs on the own, I hear that chocolate is really popular during easter. I can’t wait to get a taste of that!