First Birthday Party

Today we had a party celebrating my first birthday! Decorations, presents, cake, and family all for me! I was so happy! Although I did cry a bit when I saw Jiiji and Baaba. It had been a while and I still am wary of unfamiliar people. But then I calmed down fairly quickly and started reconnecting with them. I made my rounds saying hello and playing with Jiiji, Baaba, and Obachan. It was nice to see all of them again!

Baaba and Jiiji were so excited to see me that they gave me my presents right away. I got some cool outfits and a magnet writing board. Thank you! I liked the outfits and was quite into the magnet writing board. Unfortunately I didn’t know how to use it. I don’t know how to write yet so I didn’t use the pen. I liked the stamps but I liked putting them in their holders, since that is what I’ve been trained to do with all my other toys where I put discs in slots or pegs in holes.

While the grownups ate lunch I played with everyone and showed off all that I can do as a one-year-old. But with all the excitement I started to get sleepy and so Daddy took me to the bedroom for my nap.

After a nice nap, I woke up to find that it was just about time for my birthday cake. I get a cake! I never had cake before! I was quite excited, but also quite controlled. A lot of babies would reach out and grab a handful of the cake, but I didn’t. Especially because I didn’t really know what it was.

We called Grandma and Grandpa on FaceTime so they could virtually be there for my first birthday cake! Everyone sang for me and then it was time to for me to blow out my candle. I didn’t know how to do that. Mommy and Daddy helped me. And then it was time to eat the cake. Boy, did I enjoy that part!

It was a special cake mix made for babies so it has safe ingredients and less sugar than a normal cake, but I liked it just the same. I have never had real cake so I can’t make a comparison, but Mommy agreed that it tasted pretty good!

Next there were some Japanese birthday traditions waiting for me. I’ll just go ahead and tell you, I’m not fond of them. You can check them out in separate posts: Isshou Mochi and Erabitori.

After being a good boy and going through the traditions and rituals of my birthday, I went back to my favorite part of my birthday party: the birthday cake. I pointed out which bits I wanted to eat and Jiiji was happy to oblige me. He kept saying playfully, “Okay, but this is the last bite,” only to follow up with more and more “last bites.” I like Jiiji!

I had a great birthday party! Sure, the cake was awesome and I liked my gifts, but it was really nice to spend the day with family! Jiiji and Baaba were very happy to see me after some time and were eager to make plans for our next get together. It was nice to se Obachan again and even she saw a lot of growth in me even though it hasn’t been long since I saw her. I guess time is really flying by. I can’t believe I’m already 1 year old. It has been a great year filled with love and joy! I look forward to the next year…and the next and the next…