We came to the shopping mall because it is the Halloween season and some stores in the mall were giving treats to trick-or-treaters. There was not requirement to wear costumes, but I would have no other opportunity to wear this awesome costume that Grandma mad for me so I decided to go all in on the trick-or-treating. Mommy and Daddy waiting until I was in a good mood and distracted (read: bribed) me with snacks as they got me dressed. During our practice costume changes I was very disagreeable, but today I had the Halloween spirit and let them dress me in my dinosaur costume.
People who were passing by couldn’t help but comment on how cute I looked and how awesome my costume was.

Oddly, I didn’t want to put on the booties, even though they would go over my shoes. I started to throw a fit, so Mommy and Daddy had to give up on the booties and then try and calm me down again.

After I calmed down I got into the mindset of a dinosaur and was ready to do some trick-or-treating.

Growl! Roar! Grrrr!!! I’m a dinosaur!!!