Christmas Morning on Kauai

By the time I got up, the rest of the household was already up for some time. There was a lot of excitement this Christmas morning. I was considering waking up earlier, but after such a long day of traveling, it was just not going to happen. But, I was happy to find that when I woke up at around 7:30 that I was feeling pretty good and not jet-lagged at all. That’s a good start to Christmas day.

Before all the present opening began, we took some pictures in front of the Christmas tree. It was a team effort trying to get me first to sit still in front of the tree and then look at the cameras. In the end, Daddy had to strategically lie down beside me to get the picture we wanted. The rest of the shots were pretty funny in how they told the story of the path to get the one good picture.

Once the picture taking was down, the rest of the Christmas morning went by pretty quickly. Present opening went by in a flash!

I got a lot of really cool presents! Grandma had a hard time trying to keep me on task and opening gifts because I kept wanting to play with the one I just opened. Then amidst all the present-opening fun I realized that I hadn’t had breakfast yet, so I told Grandma that I was hungry. Luckily, I had already opened all of my gifts so I moved over to the dining room table for some breakfast.

After filling my tummy I returned to my presents.