Nana and Papa baby sat me today. Daddy took a half day off, but headed to work after he put me down for my nap. He explained that when I woke up from my nap Nana and Papa were going to watch me and take care of me. I told him not to worry and guaranteed him that I would be a good boy and that we all would have a good time. And we did!
When I woke up from my nap Papa came to get me and I raised my arms right away so that he could pick me up out of my crib. He changed my poopy diaper and we had a great afternoon together. They asked me if I wanted to go to the park again, but I said that I wanted to stay at home and play with them. And that is exactly what we did.

When Mommy came home she found us all having a great time together. I helped her prepare dinner and then it was time for dinner.

We had a great dinner and then had fun playing after dinner. We were still having a lot of fun when Daddy came home. I was so happy that he could join in on the fun!
I had a great day being babysat by Nana and Papa and look forward to more of these days this week!