Santa’s visit

So there I was just sitting there, minding my own business, enjoying Christmas Eve. I even had a treat and was allowed to eat some Hi-Chew sweets, which I never had before. I was thinking, “This is the best! A great day with family on Kauai! Eating Hi-Chew! Nothing could ruin this day.” Then guess who decided to show up…Santa.

Yeah, I was not thrilled to see him. The moment I saw him I managed 20 “no”s in 20 seconds.

But I knew this was coming. Last Christmas he came and we had talked about his visit well in advanced. I knew what I wanted to get from Santa from Christmas and knew Santa was a good guy and would deliver. So even though I was crying and just in absolute denial of the situation, some part of me knew that I could and should just deal with the situation. Through all the tears some part of me was able to come up with a solution. I told Daddy that I wanted to go “together” with him. I said that Mason and Daddy should go, which of course Daddy agreed to. I don’t think he ever intended for me to go alone. He seemed very proud of my bravery and ability to come up with a solution in that situation. So we went to see Santa together.

And guess what. I did great. I sat on Santa’s lap. I took a few pictures. I made everyone proud. I made myself proud. I faced my fear and survived. And I got a gift! I was still a bit shell shocked, but I was able to say goodbye to Santa and I was very thankful of his kindness.

When I opened my gift I found that it was exactly what I asked Santa for. He delivered. I may be afraid of him, but I know he is a stand-up guy.

He brought me the HotWheels Rollout Raceway that I wanted. It was awesome!

By the way, my raceway also packs up and becomes a storage case. Cool, huh?