I had another long sleep and did not wake up until 9. I was being watched on the baby monitor but I woke up and exited the room so quickly that I was out before anyone noticed that I was waking up.

I had a breakfast of fruits and yogurt, but noticed everyone had eaten bagels and I wanted to try it. Daddy gave me a bit of bagel with cream cheese on it and I really enjoyed it. I gave him a thumbs up.
It was a rainy day so we couldn’t do much. We just relaxed in the morning. I was allowed to use the iPad a bunch and enjoyed watching my songs and shows with Daddy.

I had a lot to eat for lunch. I had noodles and leftover kalbi. Daddy heated up a couple of pieces for me thinking that it would be enough, but I was still hungry so he had to heat up a third piece. I ate that up too.
After lunch we played a bunch with my cars since there was not much else that we could do. Then we decided to go shopping. Mommy and Daddy had to go pick up some omiyage to bring back home. I was in a very good mood and was very chatty with Daddy as he pushed me around Costco. I was curious about everything and asked about everything. I asked about products, what they did, where they came from, etc.
After Costco, we went to look at some shoes. I took Daddy’s hand and walked around the store to find all the mirrors so that we could look at ourselves in them.
While at the shopping center we found a small little play area where I climbed and slid a bunch. It was a nice little unscheduled playtime.

After shopping we had snacks. I had a bunch of grapes, but I was still hungry and had seconds. I saw that Mommy and Daddy were eating chips and I was given a small bowl but that was not enough for me. I wanted more even though I agreed to only the one bowl. I kept pushing it and pushing it and ended up having a meltdown. I threw a major tantrum. Daddy and Mommy took me outside for a bit, but that did not help calm me. I was still crying and complaining about everything and contradicting everything. We headed back inside with Mommy carrying me and I was still very upset and was not calming down. Daddy started to run laps around the house and stop by to see me, and I thought that was funny. I calmed down and started to laugh and enjoy myself. Then I started to play by running around to. After that I was in a much better mood.
I was playing with my trains when we had information that there was a gecko in the house. Daddy went to catch it and then came to show it to me so that I could pet it. After that he let it go outside.

I ate a good dinner and was in a good mood after dinner as well. I played with my cousins. At one point I was running laps around the house and they were a gate trying to stop and hug me. It was so nice of them to find entertaining me so fun.

I had fun playing with Daddy. We played with my cars and read some books. When it was time for bath I went willingly without any complaint and had a good bedtime routine. I went to sleep very quickly and easily.