Mood swings

I woke up in a pretty good mood. That was good!

I went shopping with Nana, Papa, and Daddy. I was in a really good mood for the most part. I chatted with Daddy and even burst out in song in the middle of Costco. I started singing “Tiny Bubbles” as Daddy rolled me down the aisle. That was great!

But at our last stop I threw a bit of a tantrum when I wanted to cut to the front of the line of Starbucks even though we had no plans of buying anything. Daddy just took me out of the store and forced me into my car seat. I cried all the way home and was still in a bad mood when we got home. Even then I continued to cry and cry. That was not good.

I finally calmed down after a bit and was able to talk it out with Daddy. Then I was in a better mood.

But I wasn’t ing a great mood until I was playing with Tata.

And of course I’m always in a good mood when I’m eating.

After lunch I was watching my shows and fell asleep on the couch. It was a nice little nap but I woke up in a bad mood.

But we went outside to play in the pool and then my mood got a whole lot better!

Not only was I playing in the pool but I was playing in the wading pool with bubbles! Oh so many bubbles!