Flying home

Our flights back home went very smoothly. No throwing up this time. But a lot of sleep here an there. I fell asleep before our first flight even took off. I was sitting nicely, watching my shows and then when Daddy looked over I had dozed off.

At Honolulu airport I woke up and was excited to see so many planes again. But then I threw a fit just before we had to board the plane because I didn’t want my diaper changed. I wanted to change it later but we had to board right away. Daddy had to pretty much drag me kicking and screaming to change my diaper. I was not a happy traveller.

We got on the plane and then I calmed down. I like riding planes. I apologized and we were much better. It turns out that I was hungry. I had a snack at the gate but it wasn’t enough. So I ate a spam musubi that Nana and Papa made for us and I was much better. (I would eat several more during the flight.)

After eating and watching some more videos I fell fast asleep. It turns out that I was also very tired too. I even slept through the meal service, which is why those spam musubis were a life saver.

I woke up in a much better mood and had fun watching movies and shows, playing on the iPad, reading books, playing with stickers, and talking with Mommy and Daddy a lot.

The flight went really smoothly and it was actually quite enjoyable.

Eventually I got sleepy again and just drifted off. Even though I’m getting bigger and bigger, I can still sleep comfortably on the airplane. I slept peacefully remembering all the good times I had in Hawaii. Sure, there were terrible-two tantrums, but the good times far outnumbered the tantrum times. It was such a great trip. When I wake up I will be back home, but I will still hold on to so many good memories.