It is a bit early, but we had my 3rd birthday party today. We had to do it while Nana and Papa were still in town. I was in a pretty good mood and I was well behaved. I knew how these things work. (It is my third time going through this.). There is a lot of people and a lot of pictures, but I get to eat delicious birthday cake and I get presents. Yep, I got it. Now let’s get this show on the road.

I quickly sat in my birthday seat and took the obligatory photos because I knew there was cake to be had. Boy did I enjoy last years birthday cake.

As you can see, I was very much into this year’s birthday cake as well! But I was a lot neater than last year because I used a fork. I also mainly only ate the fruits. It had started off as a fruit birthday cake but what everyone else ate was just cake. i probably could have eaten the whole thing all by myself if no one stopped me.
After the cake it was on to the presents!

Thank you everyone! I love all the presents! They were all so thoughtful. Exactly what I wanted! Many thanks to you all!

Thank you everyone for such a great 3rd birthday! I love you all! See you all again next year! (You might want to get a bigger cake next time.)