Bye-bye Nana and Papa

Before we knew it, it was time for Nana and Papa to leave. We headed to the airport with almost no problem. The taxi would let the five of us ride, even though we have been taking so many taxis this trip and had no problem. Instead of arguing or ordering another taxi, Daddy decided to head to the airport by subway and the rest of us piled into the taxi. We got to the airport without any problem and Nana and Papa checked their suitcases in smoothly. We had a really nice dinner then before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye. It was such a nice trip. There were no problems and everyone was happy and had a great time! Nana and Papa, thank you for visiting, sponsoring our trip to Nagoya, and for the birthday gift! I had such fun spending time with you. I can’t wait to see you again. Have a safe trip home and we’ll chat soon!