Backyard pool and playground

As always I woke up in a really good mood and had a good breakfast.

I asked to go outside and when outside I saw the pool and then asked to go into the pool. I changed into my swimwear and had a fun morning session in the pool.

Daddy brought out a kiddie golf set and I had a go at it. It was harder than I thought. I’m not sure how Daddy and Papa could do 18 holes of this yesterday.

After playing outside all morning I came in and played with blocks and cars as usual.

We went out to lunch and I had another cheeseburgers and a lot of fries. I particularly liked the sweet potato french fries. It was so yummy. At the restaurant I had to go potty so Daddy took me. There was no kiddie potty seat, but I sat on the regular toilet with Daddy supporting me and was able to go potty like a big boy! It was quite a milestone for me.

We went to the park and I had fun on the slide. There were a lot of slides but I just liked the one slide. I played a little on some other playground equipment, but the slide was my favorite.

It was a breezy day so Daddy and Papa brought kites to fly. But for some reason I did not want them to fly the kite. They weren’t forcing me to do it or anything, but I didn’t want them to fly the kite. I just didn’t like it and threw a tantrum. So we left the park earlier than planned because I was not in an agreeable mood.

I had a bit of snack on the ride home and was in a lot better mood after we got home. I played with my Lego and Nana the rest of the afternoon.

After dinner I had a treat and got to each ice cream for dessert. I chose the ice cream myself from the store and also saw ice cream cones too and immediately asked for those as well. It was oh so delicious! I can get used to Hawaii dessert rules.