Picking Mommy and Daddy up

After a surprisingly easy night without Mommy and Daddy I woke up in a great mood. I had fallen asleep with Nana and when I woke up she was already out of bed. But I didn’t cry or anything. I just got up, gathered my water bottle and car, and went out of the bedroom to find her.

Papa wasn’t feeling well this morning so it was just Nana and me this morning. We went through my normal morning routine without any problem and went right to playing. Then for the first time since we left Mommy and Daddy at the hotel I asked when they would be back. Nana explained that we had to go pick them up. We then called them to see when they would be ready to come home. It turns out they were up since the crack of dawn (literally, see pictures above) and were just waiting to hear from us to be picked up. They had been emailing Papa, who was in no condition to check his email and they were totally unaware of what was going on back at the house. When they found out about Papa’s condition they were about to call a ride to come home but then found out that I was determined to go pick them up. Nana had a neighbor switch my car seat to her car and we headed off to pick Mommy and Daddy up. I was so happy to see them and they were so happy to see me, but they were more happy to hear how well behaved I was. Of course I missed them, but I learned that I can also be apart from them. I clung to Mommy’s arm the whole ride back, because even though I can be apart from them, I don’t really want to do it again this trip.