Heading back to Japan

I woke up quite early this morning, knowing that we had to get ready to leave. Most of the packing was done by Mommy and Daddy the night before, but I made sure to get ready quickly in the morning so that we could pack all of our things.

I had a great breakfast of waffles that Papa made at my request. Then I played with my Hawaii toys. My other toys had been packed away, but I was fine just playing with Daddy’s old HotWheels and Legos. I also check my airplane toys and activities to make sure everything was there.

We got to the airport and got checked in very quickly. We had some time to spend with Nana and Papa before we had to board. I was going to miss them a lot, but played it cool and resisted pictures and hugs.

Although when there were ants to be observed I enlisted Papa’s help.

I also played with Daddy a bit too.

Then it was time to go. I had such a great visit that it was not a sad goodbye occasion. Just more smiles and happiness, knowing that I would be back for Christmas.

Nana and Papa, thank you for such a great time! I loved spending time with you! It was definitely more of a Nana and Papa visit than a Hawaii trip. I love you and I can’t wait to see you again during Christmas!

When it was time to go we got through security without any trouble and got on our first flight of the day. I noticed there were no TVs on this flight but I had a magic coloring book and conversation with Daddy to entertain me.

At Honolulu airport we picked up a bite to eat. There was a kiosk with some sandwiches which were just the right size since we knew we would be fed on the airplane. But i noticed that there was also cake! So I got a nice airport cake as well.

After that we did some last minute omiyage shopping for my friend. While shopping I saw the perfect teddy bear. I had been asking for a teddy bear for a while and even looked on Kauai for one, but couldn’t find anything I liked. I knew right away that this was the one. Daddy got it for me and I was so happy. I held on to it dearly with a joyous smile spread across my face.

Before boarding the airplane Daddy tried to buy some water but the vending machine was broken or just poorly designed and failed to delivery water twice. It was wasted money but we did not have enough time to do anything about it and had to board the plane. I sensed that Daddy was disappointed and a little upset to waste money and not get any water for the flight. I said, “Why it was broken, yeah?” “We didn’t get water.” “Daddy didn’t get water.” Even after we sat down in our seats I kept bringing it up, “Why Daddy didn’t get water?” Daddy explained that the machine was not working properly. I then said, “Mason share apple juice with Daddy.” That selfless generous gesture made Daddy a little teary eyed. He thanked me and hugged me and was in a much happier mood after that.

Our flight was nearly empty and we had a whole row to ourselves. We had a smooth and uneventful flight. I did my magic coloring book with Daddy and then watched some movies. I didn’t even touch my cars, sticker books, or iPad games. I just watched shows and movies.

When lunch came I ate a lot of chicken and some rice and bread. I also ate all my fruits and the fruits that Mommy and Daddy shared with me. I then surprised everyone by just falling asleep almost mid chew. I had just finished a piece of chicken and then I was dozing. Mommy and Daddy nudged me into a more comfortable position, removed my headphones and shoes, and I had a nice long nap.

I woke up in a good mood and went right back to watching shows and movies. I started and aborted a few inflight entertainment shows and movies before Daddy mentioned that he downloaded the newest Paw Patrol movie on the iPad. (I’m really into Paw Patrol recently). I sat and was glued to the screen for the whole movie. It was awesome!

After that I saw the other movies Daddy had downloaded and watched Despicable Me 3 all the way through, even though I have seen it so many times. Then I started to look sleepy. So Mommy and Daddy had me lie down and I eventually fell asleep again and didn’t wake up until after we landed and Daddy was carrying me off the airplane.

I saw our Hawaiian Airlines plane as we walked away and mentioned that we would be riding it again when we headed back to Hawaii during Christmas. The countdown has already begun.

I was in a very good mood and chatty again. I was chatty as we picked up our luggage and very chatty in the taxi which was a mini van. Once we got home I wasted no time and went right to playing with my toys which I missed during our trip. Daddy picked up dinner for us and I paused my play to eat. Then I played a bit more before my bedtime routine. Everything went smoothly and I was asleep in bed about my usual bedtime. I was exhausted, but very happy. I had memories of a great visit to Nana and Papa and I was also happy to be back home.