New buddy

While we were in Kitakyushu City, we stopped by Mommy and Daddy’s friend’s house. They hadn’t seen him in four years, and he had actually never met me yet. I was a little clingy and hesitant at first, but I warmed up very quickly thanks to their hospitality and their little boy’s nice toy collection. He was so kind and sweet and not only shared his toys with me, but showed me how they worked and played with me.

Mommy and Daddy talked a lot with the boy’s parents since they had a lot to catch up on, but I also feel that they were taking notes and getting hints on how to raise a bilingual child in Japan. They boy was such an awesome kid, he immediately became a role model for me and example on how to raise a kid right in Japan for Mommy and Daddy. The last time Mommy and Daddy had seen him he had been younger than me. We was very pleasant, sociable, and obviously had good taste in toys because he had a lot of Tomica and Paw Patrol toys.

It was a great visit and we hope it is not another four years before we catch up again!