There are times when I don’t play with a toy for a while but when I come back around to it, I’m really into it. Today I was really into my train set. Daddy and I played lot with it. We combined other Legos with it and made some interesting situations and stories.

We also played outside and I drove my Mercedes around. Then I decided it was an ice cream truck and delivered ice cream to Daddy and then toys. I even delivered beer-flavored ice cream just for him. Daddy was very impressed by my service and flavor customization catering to my patrons.

I wanted to go for a walk so we head down the street and ended up at 7-Eleven. We picked up a smoothie for Mommy and me, but while we were there we found a Tomica book. I didn’t ask for it, but Daddy bought it for me as a treat. I was so happy! I was all smiles on the way home and couldn’t wait to show it to Mommy.

I went through every page thoroughly and just loved my new book! I sat patiently and read it while Daddy cooked quiche for dinner. It was my first time eating it and I quite liked it. It was cut into wedges so I ate it like a pizza. Then it was back to playing with my Lego train set.

Since I had read through my book from cover to cover several times I decided to read one of Daddy’s book, which came with beer sampler that we bought at Costco. I preferred my Tomica book.