Pink pants and sweet potato picking

The weather is getting slightly cooler so I have been wearing long pants to school more often. Since I grew out of a lot of last year’s pants I had to get new ones. When asked what kind of pants I wanted, I answered, “Pink”. Mommy and Daddy expected me to say ambulance or fire truck pants. Luckily we found some nice pink pants that look great on me.

Today we headed to one of our sister schools to pick sweet potatoes. It was quite far away so we took a train. Actually, we rode the subway and then switched to a train. It made it twice as fun!

Sweet potato envy

It wasn’t easy to pull the sweet potatoes out of the ground. They were really stuck in there. But we didn’t give up and we got some big sweet potatoes. Some were bigger than others.

Even though it was a long trip, we all enjoyed it a lot. The trip back was just as fun! There were so many cars and other vehicles to see along the way.