At the shopping center, there was an emergency vehicle even where I got to play in a bouncy air emergency vehicle area. It was a lot of fun and I liked bouncing around and falling down. And of course I loved all the emergency vehicles.
It was all good, that is until other kids showed up. I was not good at sharing. In my defense, I was there first and the little kid did not ask to have a turn. He just showed up and tried to take my steering wheel. I didn’t like that so I started nudge and then push him away. Mommy and Daddy tried to talk me through what to do but I wasn’t listening. Eventually they had to come and get me and take me out of the bouncy area. We have had many talks about sharing with other and hitting and throwing. There are still times where I mess up and just need have my way.
I was sad because we had to leave and Mommy and Daddy were disappointed that I still can’t share properly. I was very stubborn about the issue today and would not admit that I was wrong and I was just very sad. I eventually cried myself to sleep.

After I woke up and was rested, I had another talk with Mommy and Daddy and understood what I did was wrong and promised to try to be better.