Meeting Mommy and Jiiji & Baaba

Daddy and I arrived at the museum where Mommy had an event to do today. Jiiji and Baaba were already there and I greeted them with smiles. I instantly started interacting with them and when Daddy had to go to the restroom I opted to stay with Jiiji and Baaba instead of going with Daddy. We found a nice window from which to observe all the traffic below. We spotted a lot of buses and taxis from there.

When Mommy finished work we all headed to a coffee shop for a drink and a snack. I was feeling quite relaxed and laid back.

I chose a melon-pan for my snack. It was really good, but a bit too big for me to finish (especially since I had a big lunch). So we brought the rest home.

At one point I was being a little bossy and stubborn by not letting Jiiji read the sticker that was on the table. But Jiiji turned my potential mood breaker into a game and we had a lot of laughs.

After our afternoon snack we said goodbye to Jiiji and Baaba and headed home. On the way back from the subway station Daddy and I had fun doing silly walks.

When we got home I was still in a playful mood and was goofing around with Mommy a bit.

Even after dinner I was in a very playful mood and ended up working up quite a sweat.