Advent (Christmas) Market

Mommy had to work today, so Daddy and I decided to meet her in the city so that we could all go to the Advent Market (formerly Christmas market). They opened up an additional location this year so we went there to check it out. I wanted to eat my poop lollipop that I had gotten during Halloween so that was the first thing I did at the Christmas market.

But Daddy also found a cute little reindeer snack for me at one of the food stalls. I only ate the fruits and cream and gave the acai and granola to Mommy.

It started to get cold so Daddy lent me his jacket for a bit.

We took some pictures in front of the Christmas tree and then with a bunch of Santas.

Daddy and I found a Santa in the reindeer house that we thought was cute so we took a picture there as well.

Then Mommy and I found some cute places to take pictures together.

It was a fun outing and we enjoyed the festivities.

Before we headed home Mommy found an event that was selling actual Leonard’s Bakery malasadas so we went to pick a few up and ate them at home.

They were so delicious! I just dug right in (while making funny faces for the fun of it)!