Sick day

Today I woke up with a slight fever and swollen eyes crusted over. I had such a buy and tiring weekend that my body couldn’t take it and I came down with a cold and a mild eye infection. Daddy stayed home with me and took me to the doctor.

I was so well behaved. I went to the doctor without complaint and got examined without any fuss. I did everything the doctor asked me to do. After the examination I checked with Daddy just to be sure. “Mason was good boy, yeah?” Daddy said I was a very good boy. But he noted that he needed me to continue to be a good boy and take my medicine. I said I would. Then he appended that I would need to take my eye drops as well. I did not immediately agree to that. I told Daddy that I would try my best.

After the doctor’s office we went to the pharmacy to pick up my medicine and I was very well behaved there too. There was a find the difference game on the TV and I did quite well. I spotted several things that Daddy hadn’t found. I was having such a great sick day with Daddy.

We headed out for lunch. I told Daddy that I wanted omurice so that is what I got. I ate up my entire lunch. Then we headed for the bookstore and picked up a couple of new books.

We also went to Uniqlo to get me some new winter jackets. I outgrew all the ones I used last year. I looked at the selection and said that I wanted a pink one. Daddy asked about the blue one or grey one, but I said I wanted pink. Daddy didn’t look very enthusiastic about it at first but after he let me try the pink jacket on and saw how my face just lit up with joy he got me the colors that I wanted.

Part of our negotiations to get me to take my eye drops with the least amount of trouble included playing the crane game at the game center and getting to eat some Hi-Chew. At the crane game I got another Tomica which I was very excited about.

Daddy played with my new car once we got home. And I stuck to the deal and took my medicine and eye drops without any problems. I didn’t like the eye drops but I braved it out and didn’t cry.

I ended up taking a short nap in the late afternoon when I drifted off to sleep while watching my shows.

When Mommy came home Daddy told her about how good I was and I showed her my new car. I also showed Mommy my new jackets and she said they were very cute and cool!

I was feeling much better after this sick day. I think I was just worn out from the weekend. My fever went down and my eyes got better right after getting the medicine. It was actually a very fun day!