Today we had our Christmas recital! We had been practicing for a very long time and the day was finally here. Mommy and Daddy were not sure how I would do. In previous years I cried from the large crowd and did not want to participate. Even at our sports day in the fall, I participated by just standing where I was supposed to and did not dance.

We started the recital with roll call and the younger classes performances. I sat and watched patiently and obediently. There were some younger kids who cried, tore off there costumes, or did not participate. I know how that feels.
But when it was the time for our first song, I didn’t cry, tear off my costume, or not participate. I stood on my mark and sang. I sang really well! Mommy and Daddy were super happy and proud. They know that these kind of events are not easy for me and were so thrilled that I participated and actually enjoyed it!

After our songs it was time for our chair gymnastics. I had been practicing very hard these past few weeks. At sports day in the fall I got stage fright and was not able to show off all the gymnastic things I could do. I was determined to see this gymnastics performance through to the end. And I did! I did really well and was able to perform all the positions and moves!

Finally, we had our closing dance number. In the past I have always disliked costumes, but I am older and more mature now. I dressed in my costume and danced my heart out. Mommy and Daddy were very impressed by how much I have grown. I did an awesome job!

Then before we knew it, the recital was finished. I did really well and showed how far I’ve come in these few years!

It was a great Christmas recital! I worked really hard and performed really well! I was quite happy and proud of myself!