Today was off to a good start since I had a very nice double decker bus ride on Daddy’s shoulders.
School was great too! We had fun checking out the new displays in the elevator hall.

But after lunch I came down with a fever. Mommy was called and by the time she picked me up it went up to 39.8°C (101.84°F). I was feeling pretty tired, but not necessarily bad. I was still able to enjoy the rest of my day.

When we got home, Mommy let me open my advent calendar right away and I was thrilled about the truck that I got. I played really well and was in a pretty good mood considering my fever.
I ate a good dinner and played with Daddy when he came home as if I was in perfect health.

My fever didn’t go away so I made sure to drink a lot of liquids and stay warm. Daddy found an old Hello Kitty blanket for me and I was so happy to have it! I love pink things and this helped me fall asleep happily and quickly (assisted by my fatigue from my fever of course).