Arriving on Oahu

We arrived in Hawaii much earlier than scheduled and sped through passport control and customs. We got there so early that Nana and Papa were not there yet to meet us. So we went to meet them. I was so happy to see them! Although I was a bit embarrassed and played a little hard to get.

Nana and Papa brought me a cool new garbage truck. I enjoyed playing with it, but I enjoyed playing with Nana more.

Papa picked up the rental car and then we headed out to lunch. It started okay since I was hungry and getting some food in me always puts me in a better mood. I had pancakes with berries and cream, but mainly only ate the berries and cream. I was doing good but then I started to get in a mood again. I was still tired from the flight and still feeling under the weather from days of being sick. I threw a massive tantrum. Daddy had to practically drag me out of the restaurant and wrestle me into the car seat.

I cried and yelled and screamed the whole ride to the hotel. I was overtired and could not calm down. After got to the hotel and saw Aunty Chris, Uncle Matt, Maile and Lauren, but nothing cheered me up. I was still crying and could not be consoled. It wasn’t until we checked in and we were alone in our quiet room that I calmed down and even managed to smile a bit. Daddy played with me for a while and then laid down with me to watch some TV and we took a nap.

I slept about three hours before I had to get up to take a bath before we went out to dinner with the family. Even with the nice nap, I woke up in a non-agreeable mood and it took some stern convincing by Daddy to get me into the bath. Mommy bathed me with me crying pretty much the whole time. I was still not in a great mood.

We headed down to the lobby to meet everyone and I had calmed down by then. Everyone was happy to see I wasn’t crying anymore. Lauren wanted to ride in the car with me and sat next to me on the way to the restaurant. That cheered me up a lot. I was smiling a lot and having a nice conversation with her. She asked me what my favorite car was and I answered, “Everything!” Then she asked me my favorite color and I said, “Pink!” We got to the restaurant with me smiling from ear to ear.

I was in a terrific mood at dinner. I was waiting patiently for the food, coloring on my kids menu, and playing with Lauren a lot. The food came and I dug right it. It was the first time I had pho and I really liked it. I ate almost all the chicken and most of the noodles. It was a new kind of broth for me, but I liked it. I even ate the fried spring rolls that came with it. It was a nice new eating experience. Even after finishing my food I had fun playing. I was very well behaved.

I nearly fell asleep on the way back to the hotel, but managed to stay awake. But that put me in a bad mood again. When we got to the hotel room I refused to change to pajamas or brush my teeth. I was determined not to get ready for bed because I claimed “Mason is not tired” even though my mood made it obvious that I was beyond tired. I argued with Daddy for a long time. I told him what I wanted and what I didn’t want, but Daddy said he wasn’t going to agree to any of that because I wasn’t listening to him. I said I would, but when he asked me to put my pajamas on I said no and were right back at the beginning of the argument. This went on for a while. I was so tired but just couldn’t let go. Daddy said that he wouldn’t listen to me until I started to listen to him. I didn’t like that. But we have a rule that we don’t ever deny each other hugs. I said, “Daddy, hug” and he scooped me into his arms. Then when I started up the arguing points again he set me back down. The hug was not an argument tactic, but a reminder that even during our arguments we loved each other, cared for each other and were there for each other. Finally, I just settled into the loving hug and calmed down. I said I was sorry and I said I would listen. Daddy apologized to and said he would listen too. I went through my bedroom routine but was not forced to go to bed. After I was ready for bed, Daddy asked me what I wanted to do. Since I listened to him, he would listen to me. I said I wanted to watch TV. He said sure. We all cuddled up together and watched SpongeBob together. Mommy dozed off first. Daddy asked how much TV I wanted and I said until the end of the show. We watched until the end. Daddy clicked off the TV and I was fast asleep within 5 minutes.

It was a very long a trying day. But I am so happy to be in Hawaii with family! I just hope I can get enough rest to avoid any more outburst, tantrums, and arguments. For now I’m just going to sleep as peacefully as I can.

Hello, Hawaii! Goodnight, Hawaii!