On Kauai

I had another nice long 12 hour sleep. I woke up in a daze. I wasn’t really sure where I was. The past couple days, every time I woke up I was in a different place. I called for Mommy and she came to get me but I wasn’t quite awake yet. I just chilled with Mommy for a while before I completely woke up. When I did I went over to see what Lauren and Nana were playing and joined them (and effectively took over).

Lauren and I were invited to help Papa deflate his and Nana’s air mattress. Mission accomplished.

Daddy cut up some fruit for me and when it was ready I sat down and ate breakfast. After I finished eating I got changed and washed up and started to play. I played inside and outside. There were a couple of times where I nearly had a tantrum but Daddy talked me down from it so I ended up being okay.

For lunch we had saimin and I ate really well. Once it was cooled I just dug in! It was so yummy!

After lunch I played with toys again and then played iPad with Lauren and Nana.

I was doing okay for a while until I started to be bossy and mean again. I was playing with Mommy and then got frustrated and hit her. I wouldn’t say sorry so Daddy took me into the bedroom. I refused to apologize so Daddy kept me in the bedroom until I apologized. I’ve been feeling so unstable lately. I have great moments where I’m the good little boy that everyone knows and loves, but I have been having these terrible tantrums that I can’t control. I don’t know why and it makes me sad that I don’t know why it happens and I don’t know what to do. It also makes me sad that my tantrums make others sad.

Daddy had to go to the bank with Papa and I wanted to go with him even though there was nothing fun or appealing about the bank. I ended up falling asleep in the car on the way to the bank. I woke up when we got there so Mommy carried me into the bank when we got there where I fell asleep in her arms. I stayed asleep until we left and I was put back in the car.

On the way home we bought some bananas and I had one in the car. That put me in a better mood. When we got home I played a lot outside. We started off in the hammock and then went running around the yard a bit. We even caught a lizard. I was so happy that I walked around with it in a bug box and kept saying, “Hello,” to it. I even brought it over to the window to show Nana. I was so happy to have a temporary pet lizard.

We went back inside and went for a walk around the house before settling in the bedroom to watch some TV. Later I emerged and help Nana with her games on her iPad.

We headed out for dinner and I was still in a pretty good mood. When we got to the restaurant I was in very good mood! I was well-behaved and ate a lot. When my food got there I just dug right in. I went for the rice first, then the macaroni salad, and then the chicken. Daddy shared his sweet potato fries with me too. I ended up playing under the table, coming up for bites of food. It was a really nice dinner that was filled with fun conversation and smiles. No crying or arguing at all. I was such a good boy.

After dinner Papa took us to pick up some ice cream for dessert at home. He made me an awesome ice cream come that I ate very well without spilling anything. I was so happy!

I played a little more before it was bath time. I wanted Mommy to give me a bath but then gave her a hard time, being bossy and difficult. Mommy asked me what I wanted her to give me a bath if all I was going to do was complain. I didn’t have a good answer for her. But we survived bath time and I had some more play time before book time. After my books I brushed my teeth and got ready for bed without trouble. Just when I was saying good night to Nana and Papa, guess who came home. Lauren, Maile, Aunty and Uncle came home from the movies so I could say good night to them as well. It was a nice end to a pretty good (not perfect) day.