I woke up in a good mood again today and went straight to playing. I wouldn’t even sit down to eat breakfast. Eventually, Mommy and Daddy got some fruits and cheese in me, but they had to chase me around and put the food right into my hands.

While playing I heard that Nana and Papa were going to go shopping and I then I said that I wanted to go for a car ride. So I went along with them. Mommy and Daddy tagged along too. I had fun shopping with them. There were a lot of cool cars to see and a fun speed bumps to go over.
When we got home and I started playing again. I was having a good day until I decided to have a tantrum again. I wanted something to drink from the refrigerator, but I wouldn’t ask nicely for it. I cried, grunted, and tried to force my way into the refrigerator, but I didn’t just ask nicely. The tantrum was not one of my big ones, but it was definitely a tantrum. In the end I finally gave in and calmed down enough to just ask nicely and then I got my drink.
I had a very good lunch and ate a lot, but insisted on sitting in Mommy’s lap.I was feeling bad about how I treated her during my previous tantrum. After finishing lunch we all decided to go to the beach. I was running around and playing with Lauren as Mommy and Daddy finished up lunch and got my beach stuff ready.

When we got to the beach I saw the water and told Daddy, “Let’s go in the water!” I was so excited! I was all smiles as we stepped into the ocean. I was squealing with joy once I touched the chilly water. I had so much fun in the water!

After a while we headed to shore to play in the sand. I had some new beach toys that had a dump truck, bulldozer, and excavator in the set. I had a lot of fun playing with those. I was moving a lot of sand around.

Before I knew it, it was time to go, but I know I’ll be back again, probably sooner than later.
I fell asleep in the short car ride home. Daddy picked me up and carried me in. I stayed asleep as he took me into the shower to wash off the saltwater. After I cleaned up a bit and warmed up, I woke up and then had a proper shower.
After that I wanted to outside to play. So I went out to the hammock with Daddy and we relaxed a bit. I saw Papa outside and called him over to give us a swing.
Then we went looking for lizards again and caught a couple tiny ones. We put them in the bug box and I kept talking to them, saying “Hello.” Lauren came out to see my new pets and then we ended up playing in the hammock together. Then dinner was about to begin so we headed inside.
We had a few Christmas games before dinner and I won a cool little game that I didn’t understand, but enjoyed playing with all the same.

Then all of a sudden we heard bells jingling outside. I looked up and saw that Santa Claus had visited! I was very excited, but I tried to play it cool. Santa handed out gifts to Lauren and Maile and then it was my turn. He called me up and there were no tears or crying. I simply asked Daddy to carry me up there, which he did and placed me right on Santa’s lap. I smiled, accepted my present, and thanked Santa. Then he was off to make more present deliveries. He is a very busy man.

Everyone was very proud of me for going to sit on Santa’s lap. After the past few encounters with Santa, I think everyone expected me to cry or not go see him at all. It just goes to show how much I’ve grown up. (Or how far I’ll go to get a present.)

Santa knew exactly what I wanted and delivered. My Christmas toy is awesome! I wanted a specific Tomica ambulance and got exactly that along with the Tomica town set.

Papa made kalbi for dinner and it was delicious! I ate two whole pieces fo meat! I liked it so much that I had to compliment the chef and went over to Papa and told him, “Meat is yummy!”
And of course I had an ice cream cone for dessert.

After a tummy full of yummy meat I went back to playing with my new toys. I had a great evening!
Then there was talk about getting ready for bed, but I did not want to start getting ready even though I had agreed to 10 more minutes. I was having too good a day to let it end (and I was tired enough to not know how to express this appropriately.) I started to throw a tantrum again. I was arguing with Daddy and not listening to him and then I hit him. He left. I cried and cried and had time to myself to think about what I did. I finally apologized and then we started to get ready for bed. First I got changed and brushed my teeth and I had a few minutes to play. But I started a new tantrum with Mommy. Mommy was very patient with me and clearly drew the line. I was able to bring everything in under control and apologized and did what I was told. We ended up reading books together in bed and happily turning in for the night. It was another great day spotted with some not great moments, but I was overall very happy. I went to sleep in an instant, showing how tired I have been. I hope that tomorrow is a better day.