I woke up in a good mood today and decided to keep it going by staying in bed with Mommy and Daddy to watch TV. After a while I got hungry and emerged from the bedroom. Although I did bring the container of grapes to the bedroom with every intention of eating breakfast there.
Eventually I was convinced to eat breakfast in the dining room and I sat there with Daddy. I ate a fairly good meal and then went right to playing.
Mommy had to do some omiyage shopping so we went to Target in the morning. I like going to Target because there are speed bumps in the parking lot and a lot of cool things to see in the store. I recognized the different things we had bought previously, like snacks and diapers. Then going around the store in the shopping cart I asked Daddy to find some speed bumps so he rolled the shopping cart over any bumps he could find.
Next we had to go to another store to finish up our shopping but Daddy brought me to get smoothies for Mommy and me. After we finished shopping he dropped us off at home and then he and Papa went to pick up our lunch. At home I was having a ball playing with Mommy. I was being very creative as we pretended to shop. At one point I turned Mommy into a parfait.
After lunch it was time to say goodbye to Aunty Chris and Uncle Matt who were going on a mini trip. I acted very mean and even tried to hit Uncle Matt. Daddy got very angry with me and I threw another tantrum. It took a long time for me to come around and finally apologize, alhtough by that time the person I was supposed to apologize to was not there. I had a long talk with Daddy. I promised that I would be a good boy and I would be nice. I promised not to hit or be mean. I have said these things before, and would like to believe that this time it will be true.
After some playing and snack time, Mommy and Daddy went to go get drinks just the two of them. I was not happy about it at first, but then remembered that I should try to be nicer and not be selfish. Then I was very supportive of them. I told them that I would watch from the window leave and wave goodbye. I did exactly that.

I had a great time playing with Nana while Mommy and Daddy were gone. Nana and Papa do a very good job taking care of me on their own. I had to go potty and pooped. At first I said I wanted Mommy or Daddy to wipe for me, but Nana explained that it would be a long time. Eventually I came around and let them wipe my butt for me instead of waiting for Mommy and Daddy to come home.

We had a fun time playing all over the house and coincidentally we were playing near the window when Mommy and Daddy came home. I told Nana that they were home and was all smiles as I waved to them. It was nice to have them home.

I immediately asked Daddy to go catch lizards with me. Lauren joined us and although it took a long time we caught three. Papa showed me a lot of bugs and worms in his compost heap. At one point I was being silly and called Lauren and big lizard and try to catch her in the net. Then I tried to catch the soccer ball in the net, calling it a pill bug tucked up into a ball. Later I asked Daddy to push me around on the scooter. Then it started getting dark so we had to go in.

I watched TV as Daddy rested. His cold was wearing on him. We had a nice dinner and then I had my usual dessert. I sat on the chair watching TV and eating my dessert while Daddy napped next to me. When it was time to take a bath I insisted that Daddy bathe me so we woke him up and he gave me my bath.

We played with some little cars after my bath. I made a whole scenario where they were trying to go shopping but there was a traffic jam because of the construction going on. Then when the traffic jam cleared my car went to the store and I said, “Oh no! Target is closed. We cannot shop here.” So then my car went to Costco instead.
I checked with Daddy about heading back to Japan tomorrow. And he confirmed that we were indeed heading back home tomorrow. I asked about where home was on a tiny little globe ball but Daddy decided to show me on the big globe. I noted where Japan and Hawaii was on the globe and discussed our flight path with Daddy, using my mini cars as models.
Before long it was time for my bedtime routine. As usual I was surprisingly hyper and in a really good mood. When it was bedtime I was fast asleep in no time.