I had another bout of selfishness. I had a pleasant walk home from school with Mommy and was well behaved until dinner. Mommy put in extra effort to make me happy and made a car shaped omelet for me I was very happy. I liked it so much that I didn’t want to eat it. But we should waste food so near the end of dinner after I said I was full Mommy asked if she could eat the omelette. I said yes. Knowing how I can overreact to surprises she asked is she could cut the omelet to eat. I said yes. So she cut the omelet and I freaked out. I got really upset and told her to put it back. So I basically told her to uncut it. Mommy was very tired and losing her patience so she just stated facts and did not engage me beyond that. I was left to myself.
When it was time for bath I refused. I said I wanted daddy to give me a bath. But he had to work late and it was getting very late but I still refused to take a bath. Mommy let me be. I angrily played until daddy came home. When daddy heard about what happened he talked to me and explain what I did was wrong. By the point I had enough time to think about it on my own and understood that I was misbehaving. It was late so Daddy explained that there was no more time to play. Bath, books, brush teeth, and bed. I agreed knowing that I had been wrong. I was sad but got to bed and was asleep soundly.