Mason’s Blog
Hi! I hope you enjoy this blog that is all about me, my life, and the people in it!
- Happy birthday Daddy!
- School week
My double-decker bus ride to school.
Visiting our duck friends at the park.
Practicing for our natural disaster drill.
Looking at and smelling flower petals.
Rhythmic dance.
Playing karuta with classmates. We played with vehicle, animal, and country flag cards. Once I got the hang of it, I wanted to play again and again!
Getting really good at coloring.
Gymnastics class.
I had some trouble at school again. I tried to hit a classmate because they tried to sit down next to me. Even when my teacher came to talk to me I tried to hit, kick, and spit on her too. She took me to another room to talk it out and let me have time to calm down. These incidences still keep happening.
English class.
Cool dolls on display.
Chilling at the park.
The end of a fun week of school!
- Measuring
People keep telling me how much I’ve grown so I decided to see for myself how much I’ve grown. So I got a measuring tape and tried to measure my height. It was a bit hard so I had Daddy help me.
- A lesson on cans
- Playdate
I was very excited about a playdate with my friend today! I needed a lot of energy so Daddy made me a special parfait for breakfast!
When my friend came over I decided to play a little hard to get and hid under the blanket.
We made some origami animals and it was a lot of fun! Especially when my friend’s mommy made the origami doggy ear flap. It really hit our funny bone.
Cream-filled snacktime!
Headbutts of affection.
As you can tell we had a great time playing together! I can’t wait for our next playdate!
- Driving, park, boys’ night out
I wasted no time and got right to practice driving. It is one of my favorite weekend activities. I would like to do it more often and longer, but apparently Daddy doesn’t want to waste gas so my time is limited.
We went to the park today. It was cold, but it is nice to be outside.
Below are pictures I took with Mommy’s phone. Quite artistic.
There were a couple of cats hanging out in the park so I chilled a bit with them.
Mommy had plans tonight so it was just the boys for dinner. We headed to McDonald’s and not only did I get a Happy Meal but I also got ice cream for dessert!
- School week
The weather on Monday was really nice so we went for a walk to the park and took a group photo with all the classes in our school. We also saw a bunch of animals at the park like ducks and cats.
On Tuesday at the park I found a bunch of acorns and did a pop quiz with my teachers. “Which hand has the acorn?”
On Wednesday we had our gymnastics class. I did really well on the mat and the bar.
Silly roaring.
I love cheese!
Prefectural office visit.
Open wide.
- More tantrums
I had another bout of selfishness. I had a pleasant walk home from school with Mommy and was well behaved until dinner. Mommy put in extra effort to make me happy and made a car shaped omelet for me I was very happy. I liked it so much that I didn’t want to eat it. But we should waste food so near the end of dinner after I said I was full Mommy asked if she could eat the omelette. I said yes. Knowing how I can overreact to surprises she asked is she could cut the omelet to eat. I said yes. So she cut the omelet and I freaked out. I got really upset and told her to put it back. So I basically told her to uncut it. Mommy was very tired and losing her patience so she just stated facts and did not engage me beyond that. I was left to myself.When it was time for bath I refused. I said I wanted daddy to give me a bath. But he had to work late and it was getting very late but I still refused to take a bath. Mommy let me be. I angrily played until daddy came home. When daddy heard about what happened he talked to me and explain what I did was wrong. By the point I had enough time to think about it on my own and understood that I was misbehaving. It was late so Daddy explained that there was no more time to play. Bath, books, brush teeth, and bed. I agreed knowing that I had been wrong. I was sad but got to bed and was asleep soundly.
- Tantrums
Mommy had to work today so I spent the morning with Daddy. We played with cars (small ones), rode my Mercedes, and practiced driving (in the big car). We also chatted with Nana and Papa while practicing driving.
Daddy suggested that we go meet up with Mommy in the city and have lunch together and I loved that idea. I said that I wanted to ride the bus, so we hurried to the bus stop and caught a bus to get to Mommy’s work place. It was a very fun bus ride.
We met up with Mommy and I was so happy to see her. Then we went to get some lunch. We found a nice ramen shop, but had to wait a bit to be seated. Once we got our food I wolfed it down. It was a really nice lunch. Until my tantrum.
For the strangest reason I chose to throw a tantrum in the ramen shop after we finished eating. Daddy went to the restroom and I got upset and claimed that I wanted to go first. When he came out and said that I could go I got more upset because I wanted to go first. Of course there was no way to turn back time and undo Daddy going to the restroom but I wouldn’t listen to reason and got really upset. I practically had to be dragged out of the ramen shop.
Outside the ramen shop I wouldn’t stop and tried to go back in to somehow be the first one to go to the restroom. Daddy got very upset, especially since after the tantrum I threw yesterday I promised that I would be better and not be so selfish about little things. I showed no signs of calming down and we were in the middle of a shopping arcade, so Daddy literally picked me up and marched me away toward the subway. People were looking at us and probably wondering what I was screaming about, but Daddy just had to get me out of there. We got to the subway and I started to calm down a bit, but Daddy was very angry with me. Mommy talked to me but I still couldn’t explain what I expected and why I threw a tantrum.
I calmed down enough to ride the subway home, but Daddy was not talking to me. After all that he did to go out of his way just to make me happy, I decide to make everyone sad and angry over something silly like who got to go to the restroom first.
We got home and I was pretty much left to myself since I had upset my playmate. Things were okay for a while. But then Daddy had to go grocery shopping. I wanted to go with Daddy but he said no. I got upset again and then threw another temper tantrum. I tried to force my way into the car but Daddy put me back in the house and locked the door. Mommy locked the door from the inside as well. But I unlocked it. I was out of control.
I am having a really hard time controlling my emotions. Once I get worked up it is very hard for me to calm down. It took me a very very long time to calm down after Daddy left. When he came home it was a very uncomfortable atmosphere. I knew I did something bad but I just couldn’t control myself.
After dinner I was back to my normal self, which was strange considering how upset I was and the ruckus that I caused.
- Mood swings
My mood swings have been very extreme lately. It all rotates around me getting or not getting what I want. I can be super happy one moment and then be a crying, screaming, hitting, kicking, throwing terror. And that happens when I don’t get what I want or what I think I should get.
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