Let me introduce myself…

I know that you have all been waiting for this big announcement. I have finally decided on a name. After a lot of consideration, deliberation, and trials, I now officially have a name.

My name is Mason Shoma

Here is some background information.

First name: Mason (メイソン)

Mason: Stone Worker, Brick Layer

Middle name: Shoma (正真)

Shoma (正真)
Combination of Mommy’ parents’ names Seigo (正剛) and Machiko (眞千子)
æ­£: right, just, correct
真: true, honest, pure

Mommy and Daddy had several possible names ready for me, but were not ready to name me until they saw me. When I was born they quickly reduced the list down to a few candidates, but then they got stuck. They weren’t sure which names were best for me. It wasn’t until they spent some time with me and I had my input as well, that they were able to finalize my name.

I am very happy with my name and am overjoyed to be able to introduce myself to you all!