I had a pretty rough night last night. Well, let me rephrase that: Daddy had a pretty rough night last night. We was trying to get me to sleep and I would not let him put me down. I was fine while carried me in his arms and I was sleeping quite peacefully, but the instant he tried to put me down in my crib I would wake up crying. I wouldn’t even let him sit down and hold me. Once his butt touch a stable surface I started crying. Maybe I slept too well during the day. I might not have been sleepy enough to sleep on my own. I think this was the fussiest I have been since we got home. This went on for a few hours before it was time for my next feeding.
Poor Daddy. I think he only got three hours of sleep before he had to leave for work. I mentioned something about how a lot of coffee would help him get through his 12 hour shift. I hope he is okay. I plan to not sleep so much during the day today so that he and Mommy can get a good night’s sleep tonight.