Arm nook dream nursing

You know how I feel comfortable in Daddy’s arm nook, right? Well, I took that to a whole new level today. I fell asleep on Daddy’s chest and wiggled my way down into his arm nook. But this time I positioned myself in a way where my face found a nice little opening between his arm and his body, kind of like the whole in a massage table. I was so comfortable and deeply asleep that I slept past my nursing time. But that’s not how it was for me. I was nursing right on schedule…in my dream. Daddy noticed that my cheeks were moving and suspected that I was dream nursing again. With some creative positioning of his iPhone, making use of his Apple Watch viewer, he caught me in the act. I must warn you, the video footage is not pretty. But it is interesting and possibly the first of its kind. It’s kind of hard to unsee it once you watch it, so view at your own risk.

I warned you. This is an image that you will never forget.