4 Months Old

I’m 4 months old! Wow! That was fast! I’m already 1/3 of a year old. It feels like I’m speeding toward that 1 year mark very quickly.

I had my 4-month check up and I am a healthy baby, albeit a very large baby. The nurse had to take a couple measurements again just to be sure. She measured my abdomen and then looked at the number with a tilted head an unsure face. She took my measurement again, this time with me sitting up. Same result: BIG BABY! It is even noted in my records that I am 大柄 “oogara” which means “large build”. Which is a polite way of saying HUGE BABY!

I’m now literally off the charts in weight. I was barely within the norms of the charts before, but now I broke through and I am cruising way above the 98 percentile line.

Well, as long as I’m healthy. You can check and compare my growth below

3 months old / 4 months old

Month by month growth:

Sept. 10th
4 Month Old
June 29th
50 Days Old
June 11th
1 Month Old
May 10th
Increase since 1-month check up
Weight9210 g (20.30 lbs)6220 g (13.71 lbs)5210 g (11.49 lbs)3926 (8.65 lbs)4000 g (8.82 lbs)
Length67.8 cm (26.69 in)58.5 cm (23.03 in)51.5 cm (20.27 in)9.3 cm (3.66 in)
Abdominal Circumference46.5 cm (18.30 in)42.8 cm (16.85 in)41 cm (16.14 in)36.5 cm (14.37 in)3.7 cm (1.45 in)
Head Circumference44 cm (17.32 in)40 cm (15.75 in)39 cm (15.35 in)38 cm (13.96 in)5 cm (1.97 in)